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How to Maintain Mental Health in Your workplace

Rayaan Shire 24 Jul 10:52 3 min read
woman likely stressed

Alongside being a health issue, mental illness is also a serious business issue. It diminishes the productivity of your workforce while also causing a series of other problems related to employee retention and satisfaction.

According to a report, around 58% of the sick leaves taken by employees are directly related to mental wellness issues. Moreover, mental burnouts can cost billions of dollars to a country's economy.

That said, maintaining your employee's mental health in your workspace is crucial for the growth and prosperity of your firm. Here are a few ways you can achieve that goal.

Educate your workforce about mental health.

Believe it or not, mental health is still considered a taboo among a percentage of the workforce. While the employees feel comfortable talking about their physical health concerns, not all of them are fully transparent about their mental conditions.

To develop a transparent relationship between you and your employees, they communicate their mental health concerns with you without any hesitation - you have to educate them about mental health.

Allow and encourage walk breaks.

A constant stream of stress due to workload is one of the primary causes of burnout and extreme stress levels. To interrupt this stream, you should allow your employees to take walks off their work whenever they feel stressed.

Encouraging a walk break is the easiest way to promote a sufficient amount of physical activity and a distraction from the workload. However, clearly define how many walk breaks are allowed per day; you don't want bad eggs to walk away from their desk even when they're not stressed at all.

Make the workspace naturally comforting.

While you may have undervalued the importance of natural light and greenery, natural elements like these help your employee sane. Consider adding a few extra windows or skylights to your workspace. Moreover, having some plant pots scattered throughout the workspace increments the sense of nature even further.

Implementing and utilizing natural sources of light help you in other ways - trimming down your electricity bills, for example.

Include the subject of mental health in your culture.

You can't talk about mental health once and expect your employees to be mentally fit forever. You have to keep repeating the subject till you are sure.

Make sure to include mental health in your company's daily talks. Emphasize it whenever you get the chance. Including it in your company's culture is essentially the best way to go about it.

Be a model for your workforce.

You can't expect your workforce to take care of their mental health if you're not a good example for them. Implement practises to improve your mental health and share your progress with the employees.

Alongside setting a model for your workforce, practising mental health tactics also helps you. You can harness the benefits of lower stress levels, less probability of burnout, and higher work satisfaction.

Provide supportive assistance.

As mentioned earlier, many employees hesitate to communicate their mental illness to the management and administration. However, if you notice one of your employees is showcasing irritability, being irrational, or having a low moon, encourage them to tell you their problems.

Tell them how you're there to help if they have any burden on their minds. Be supportive in the way you communicate and listen when they do tell you their concerns carefully.

Keep your mental health resources up-to-date.

To ensure your employees are approaching their mental well-being the right way. You have to keep your content, tools and other resources up-to-date with the latest trends.

Audit your resources every once in a while and figure out if they are still relevant in the current year. If they're not, update them. Moreover, you want to make sure your resources are easily accessible to your employees. Your content and tools are useless if your employees can't access them when they need them the most.

Appreciate and admire your employees.

Appreciating a top-performing employee when they accomplish something great wouldn't hurt anyone. Doing so will be beneficial for you, as well as your employees. When you admire and appreciate them, they'd feel motivated and eager to do better. When they do, they'd perform better and get you better results.

If an employee performs extraordinarily, provide them with bonuses and benefits. This will do even more good than mere appreciation.

Arrange socializing events.

Your employees will feast on better mental health if they feel connected with the people around them. Friendliness between different employees can eradicate their feelings of being alone.

To promote friendliness and get employees closer to each other, arrange events to socialize and enjoy. A corporate dinner or picnic could be the ideal way to go about it.

Key takeaways

Mental illness is a severe concern for your employees and your business as well. High levels of stress and mental breakdowns can cause several problems for your workspace.

It is not limited to low employee productivity, bad employee retention, and suffocating employee satisfaction.

By practising the tips mentioned above, you can make sure you're doing everything in your power to promote a safe, mentally healthy environment in your workplace.

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